Setting Boundaries
I get some serious s*it from telling couples to sign prenups or business partners to draw an agreement, but when life turns everything upside down (or a partner doesn’t behave) these agreements save your life and your sanity. Oh they save you money too! You know that green stuff you wanted instead of time with your children or parents. Green stuff you traded for happy memories of trips with friends. I am always curious at the dollar amount a person sets as “their price.” You all realize we get a limited amount of time on this planet, right? Yet people give themselves and their time away as if it had zero value.
You need to set boundaries and outline these major relationships. Only fools say “I do” without a prenup this day and age. How many times have you been in a relationship and given an ultimatium and then let that slide only to set a new ultimatium and then let that one slide. You are not showing yourself respect and you are training the other person in the relationship how little you value your time.
This is true in work situations also. You work a 40 hour salaried job, but then you spend 45 hours to keep up with new responsibilities. Soon you are spending 50 hours then 60 hours and yet your salary did not go up and you didn’t get a bonus. You didn’t even get an “atta boy” or slap on the back. You, and only you, inform others how to treat you. If you let that bulls*it slide, before you know it you are under a mountain of bulls*it and can’t breathe. Save yourself. Set boundaries. Be firm and put what you want in writing.