Cleaning up your diet

Diet is an awful word . . . it has the word “die” in it. Let’s call this blog eating healthier. What you eat determines what chemicals, minerals, and vitamins your cells get. More people seem to be aware of the importance of pre and probiotics so that your gut health improves. I want to point out some other things to keep in mind as you strive towards a healthier diet.

First, watch out for high fructose corn syrup. This sugar chemical is sort of a Frankenstein in food. Your body was not exposed to this chemical until 1957, and when you digest, it you are not getting the nutrients you need. High fructose corn syrup has been shown to increase non-fatty liver disease, inflammation, diabetes, and high triglycerides (according to the Cleveland Clinic).

Second, preservatives in the days before mass produced food were things like salt, sugar, vinegar, and alcohol. However, more studies, including one from the University of Chicago, show that modern preservatives like sodium benzoate, calcium propionate, and and potassium sorbate disturb the guts ability to digest food. In other words, that whole wheat bread or hamburger bun you buy off the shelf at the grocery store may never get broken down in your gut so your body can access any nutrients. Instead, your body will most likely shuffle it over to fat cells. Additionally, these preservatives have been tied to allergic reactions, bloating, headaches, and abdominal pain.

Third, most diet soda uses aspartame to sweeten the liquid. There are studies that say “it won’t kill you,” however, it can cause kidney damage, inflammation, and mood swings. While aspartame has been studied and ruled as safe by some doctors, other specialists will tell you to avoid any soda if you have an autoimmune disease or diabetes. Aspartame is not only in soda, it is in certain medicines and diet foods. Be aware of what you are putting in your body. Too much of anything is bad.

Fourth, according to MD Anderson Cancer Center, processed meats are another culprit that could cause health problems. When you have bacon, pepperoni, ham, or hot dogs, you are exposing your body to more chemicals that our ancient ancestors did not have to deal with. These items have nitrates and hemes (pigment) added to them which can cause certain types of cancer and inflammation. Unfortunately, I know people who eat all of these every day of the week. Many of them also suffer from other issues like food allergies and high blood pressure. Always read the labels and if you are ordering a pizza, consider throwing a veggie on instead of another meat.

So what do you want to eat to get nutrients into your body? It is sort of sad but our soil and the food production process has stripped so many beneficial nutrients out of our food that many of us need a multi-vitamin and supplements to get what our bodies need. This is especially true as we age. Eating fruits and vegatables is a good change to make; however, food prep is also important. Wash those fruits and vegatables to make sure you remove any bacteria. The USDA even recommends scrubbing certain harder surfaces like apples and potatoes with a brush to clean them before eating them. The American Heart Association states that added fruits and vegatables lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation plus gives the body added energy. To keep your gut healthy, eat a variety of foods and try some pickled or fermented foods. Always listen to your body because we all react differently to food.

Please comment below on what your guilty snack pleasure is and what you are trying to change in your diet. I love hearing about what other people eat. I also am curious about comfort foods and how they differ depending on cultures.


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