Higher Anxiety?
I have heard that anxiety is even higher now than previous years (see for example www.mcleanhospital.org). There are previous posts but it cannot hurt to add even more information and resources. First, when you feel anxious it is important to validate those feelings. Our primative ancestors had these feelings for a reason and they served us well but now in modern times what we perceive as a threat may not really be an immediate threat. Feeling anxious is normal and a clue from your body to stop and listen.
I love and still use a feelings wheel especially with clients who suffer from PTSD. Are you anxious or are you excited? If you are about to start a new job and have some social anxiety about who you are going to meet VALIDATE and acknowledge that feeling rather than tell yourself you are being crazy or you can’t handle it. You’ve got this. It is a new job and new people not a lion or bear den.
When you have anxiety, talking to a trusted friend or counselor can help relieve some of those feelings. Your friends, family, and counselor may have different tools or mantras to use to handle the anxiety and stressful feelings and thoughts. Your support system can be present with you, listen to you, and again validate those feelings. People who have known you a long time may also remind you about times of high anxiety when you survived and reached a point of peace after all the stress.
Here are some additional resources to try:
Books like Seen by Will Hutcherson and Dr. Chinwe Williams, Pass Through Panic by Dr. Claire Weekes, or Rewire Your Anxious Brain by Catherine Pittman and Elizabeth Karle.
Things to carry in your anxiety kit could include a fidget gadget or stone, a scent inhaler, a card with affirmations on it.
Have the feelings wheel downloaded as a picture on your phone so you can use it on the go.
I am not sponsored by Better Help but I am sure you have seen their ads everywhere. There is also goodtherapy.org or ask friends for a referral in your area. Remember that many 12 step programs offer online meetings you can attend for free.
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