Let it go, let it flow

Did you edit yourself this week? You probably did. That’s okay and normal. Sometimes we have to edit and it is in our best interest to edit ourselves. For example, you are grocery shopping and a gallon of laundry detergent lands on your toe. You want to shout *7&K but you might edit yourself because little ears are in the same aisle as you. You are at work and your co-worker is going on and on about the story of their child’s fourth grade play and this child is in college now. You want to say, “Hey shut up. I heard this story before go experience some new stuff.” Instead you edit yourself and nod politely before extricating yourself so you finally make it to the copier. You want to tell your boss that a request is unreasonable but you edit and say, “yes ma’am.” There is value in editing or what some people call having a filter.

There is also value in being your authentic self and articulating your position, your needs, and your ideas. As a member of the human race, I realize I have much in common with my brothers and sisters here on planet Earth. We all have blood running in our veins, we need oxygen, we require food, and humans enjoy being part of a tribe. However, there are differences and those differences need to be encouraged and celebrated. I am terrible when it comes to gardening and growing plants. Thank goodness for farmers and gardeners who grow the food and flowers I get to enjoy. I am an excellent teacher and a lawyer. Someone else may be amazing at building a house. Another person has musical talent so we hear music that can lift our spirits up and inspire the sculptor who is great carving details. I am so thankful for the mechanic I will be taking my car to next week. I don’t have that talent or skill. We are each called to certain professions and play a role in society. My thought for you this week is to let it go and let it flow. What talent or skill are you good at? What talent or skill are you interested in and want to try? There is a flow to life and a direction or path for you to follow. Are you resisting the direction and trying to swim upstream or are you following the flow?

This is the time of year when seniors graduate from high school. Parents may unintentionally put their children in a position where the child edits who he/she is for the sake of their parents. Parents, please let your child go and let your child flow in the direction they are called to in life. I have a friend who’s daughter is graduating high school and she has amazing artistic talent. The parent is telling her to find a practical 9 to 5 office job and study business. If you saw this young woman’s art you would realize that the parent is unknowingly editing this child. I understand the parent’s concern. Parent’s worry about long-term practical things like shelter, food, and having stability. These are good things and do-able goals. However, why can’t the young woman achieve shelter, food, and stability while being an artist? I know some of you are thinking being an artist will not pay the bills. Really? Are you sure? You can be creative and work in graphic design, website design, marketing. Someone has to draw book covers, political cartoons, characters for animated movies and greeting cards. So do you want to edit yourself? Are you trying to fit into the box society has set up for you? Or do you want to take control of your life, your dreams, and follow your flow? Some people are happy with a 9 to 5 office job. Some people are happy working outside in construction. Other people are happy inside creating art on a MAC. Let it go. Let it flow and let’s see where we end up.


What made you smile today?


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