Self-care queen
I have a friend who picks a word every year as the intention to pursue during the year. One year it was gratitude, another year was joy, and this year is forgiveness. I thought about what word I would choose if I did one for 2023. I decided self-care is my word. Okay, so it is more than one word, but that is my intention for 2023. I have worked most of my life in careers where helping others was paramount. That is still true after me leaving the practice of law (that post is coming soon). For a large part of my life, as a co-dependent trapped in a narcissist’s cycle of abuse, even my off hours were about his life and needs instead of my own. No wonder I was anxious and depressed all the time.
I started this year with a post on my Facebook and Instagram pages about how self-care is required care. Now self-care can be something you don’t think about such as brushing your teeth, combing your hair, wearing your favorite clothes, drinking enough water or self-care can be pampering like getting a massage. However, there are other types of self-care. Many of us think of physical self-care; however, what about emotional self-care and spiritual self-care. Self-care could be setting aside an hour to do your hobby you love. Self-care could be watching birds at a feeder outside your house. Self-care could be lighting a candle and thanking God for everything you have.
Self-care is my word this year. I want to be a self-care queen by the end of the year. I am going to make self-care a priority. If you already have great self-care going for you then I offer my sincere, “Congratulations.” If you were raised by wolves like me and then targeted by a narc, your self-care game may be weak. If you are interested in pursuing self-care to new heights this year, let me know. We can be self-care buddies.
My self-care list for tomorrow:
healthy breakfast
audio books on the ride into work
being creative and brainstorming at lunch
music on the ride home from work
painting and art
Share your list.