Science looks at spontaneous healing
This blog is two ideas in one. First, I wanted to share a video/podcast I found on YouTube regarding “Miracles in Medicine? The Science of Spontaneous Remission with Dr. Jeffrey Rediger” done by The Doctor’s Kitchen. I tried to share it on a support group, run by a fairly famous coach and got denied by the admin of the group. Now, there are new admins and it could be a mistake. That’s what I am choosing to believe because why would one of the coach on YouTube not want to share a video that supported and gave scientific proof to the coach’s talking points. So, second, because I was censored elsewhere where that information could reach thousands of people, I will post here in my tiny blog followed by 50 people. Everything happens for a reason.
I loved this podcast on spontaneous remission for many reasons. The guest is highly educated including a medical degree, and he is the author of a book called Cured (click the link to a used book store I have no connection to but was the least expensive). One of the things discussed is quantum physics and the observer effect which is pretty deep. The easier idea to grasp is the use of food as medicine and looking at your diet as a way to heal. The host of the podcast (also a medical doctor) has regular podcasts with healthy recipes, and he discussed his own person story of how he healed himself with diet and lifestyle changes. They also discuss being in healing mode versus being in flight or fight mode. They discussed the parasympathetic nervous system.
I want to encourage you if you are dealing with a health issue and want some hope that science is starting to study, check out the video. I am just starting a deep dive on this subject and will post anything else I find so please follow me for updates.