Intrusive thoughts and what to do

Have you been fine and then all of a sudden a passing thought leads you down to a dark place? For example, I have to see my doctor. They are doing further tests goes all the way to I’m going to die a slow painful death. Or maybe you have a meeting with your boss next week, year-end review time, my boss is going to tell me I’m not doing enough, I’ll lose my job, I’ll end up poor and alone on the streets. These intrusive thoughts! How dare they crowd our minds and get us off track? What do you do when those unwelcome thoughts come out?

If you are feeling anxious, scared, worried, irritated:

  • journal, speak aloud even if you are alone, voice record what you are feeling, try tapping start with middle of your forhead, or shake your arms or swing your arms up in the air and then let them come back to resting at your sides.

If you are tired but your brain will not shut off:

  • try a weighted blanket, listen to something soothing (water, birds, piano), apply a heat wrap, hold a drink either hot or cold whatever temprature you need. Remember your needs matter. You are allowed to rest.

Other ways to try to snap out of your head:

  • stretch your muscles, if possible go for a walk, watch a funny video, doodle or color, talk to a friend.

Speak to yourself in a kind manner, try the following:

  • I’m not in immediate danger. I am okay. I do not need to think about this now. I control my thoughts. I want to think of happy things. I will take one step at a time. I give myself permission to relax.

  • This feeling does not control me. I can observe it and feel it. I will get through this, and I have done it before. I don’t have to be afraid because I can put my faith in something higher than myself. I’m safe. I will feel better. This is temporary. I am capable of handling this and I can take care of myself. If I need help, I can ask for it.

Starting in January I have two additional spots open for new coaching clients, one is on Monday and one is on Friday. I encourage you if you are ready to get some clarity, make a plan, and take action, I am the right coach for you to hold you accountable and get you there!


Prioritize Your Needs


Striking a balance in 2025