Back from the OR

I survived surgery! This could explain my rosy perspective on life. Prior to surgery, someone I trust cautioned me about getting too attached to a particular surgical outcome. That Sunday I attended my normal church service to discover that our paster was discussing the famous story of David and Goliath. Well he offered for the congregation to consider what Goliath we were facing in our lives. My surgery was the next day. By the time the church started singing, The Battle Belongs I had tears streaming down my face.

I was nervous Monday waiting to go in. However, I remembered the messages I had heard leading up to that moment and I realized something. Action plus faith can create miracles. I had done everything I could up to that point as I waited to go into the operating room. Faith and releasing what I could not control to God’s hands would carry me the rest of the way.

Here I am one week later so grateful for where I have been, where I am, and where I am headed. I hope all of you start looking for where you can put in action and where you can surrender. Some of us who encountered the Serenity Prayer realize its power and wisdom. It is what I will leave you with today as I head out into the world. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


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